Tuesday 9 August 2016

Sweetcorn in Mono

This is more than the first attempt to post these images - still I think they are going to stay this time!

The Sweetcorn flowers will soon produce seeds and I expect they will be used for cattle feed rather than find their way onto our plates via markets or supermarkets.   They are the crop in the field where I'd seen hares several weeks ago but no chance of seeing hares again until the harvesting is over.   How exciting it would be to see hares crouching down on the stubble.   Will have to keep visiting the Research Park!


Anonymous said...

I do like these, quite simple and elegant and work well in B & W. Not sure what the relationship is between these seed like tufts and the corn cobs that get served at table.
Hares are magic - always hint at our pagan past.

Sue B-H said...

I haven't yet found out what the tufts/flowers at the top of the plant are for either! Once the tufts at the top of the cobs start turning a darker colour, the cobs are ready for eating, but I guess we all know that.

Brian Human said...

Well not all!