Saturday 6 February 2021

Whooper Swans - Cottenham I

 Yesterday I'd arranged to drop off some things in Cottenham and was 'tipped off' that locals were visiting and photographing masses of Whooper Swans who are relishing feeding on sugar beet fields.   It really was a pretty good venue to see a few hundred Whoopers who might otherwise have been based at Welney (but for the extensive flooding there).   The walk along a bank was exceptionally muddy but worth the venture and there's plenty of standing water too.

I was photographing straight into the sun, but have emphasised in some of the images just how translucent the outstretched wings can look. 

In the first image is the standing water the Whoopers are spending time in, the second image shows how high up the stem of a bullrush the water is, and the third image shows the colour of the wake when a Whooper comes into land on shallow standing water!

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