Saturday 1 August 2020

Grey Squirrels Frolicking

I have been bingeing on Peregrine and Swift postings this summer - and loving it - such a privilege!   Will be returning to different antics in the garden now and have to hope this squirrel behaviour won't be leading to yet more young this year.   Whole flowers from a Magnolia Grandiflora have been taken off their tree and I've found them lying in pieces around the garden.   Don't know whether they are responsible...


Brianhuman said...

Nice to see squirrel fun and games - they look good against the rough bark of the tree.

Did the swifts breed successfully? I've been trying to keep track of when swifts depart on migration. The last date I saw them here was on 2nd August. Can you recall when you last saw them there?

Hope you are OK.


Sue B-H said...

No, the Swifts didn't breed this year. I've yet to confirm whether they were this year's non-breeders and prospecting, or this year's juveniles, again prospecting. They left here early August. Already I'm getting excited at the prospect of a pair or two returning to these boxes next year! What an adventure they have ahead of them this year alone - awesome.

All well here, if slow moving.