Saturday 20 June 2020

Family of Peregrines - Ely Cathedral

A friend tipped me off on Thursday night that there are Peregrines on Ely Cathedral.   I was there before 07.00 yesterday morning and have been downloading and processing photographs ever since!   Three juveniles fledged last Sunday and at least one parent is still with them.   I've learnt how to recognise the differences between adults and juveniles but not to distinquish male and female adults, although the female is markedly larger than the male.

I've been fortunate to see different behaviours and will be posting more images shortly.   By way of a taster, here is an adult bird extremely close to a Wood Pigeon on the Octagon.


Brianhuman said...

Extraordinary picture, Sue. I look forward to seeing more. Impressed you were up so early.

I watched peregrines around the Pitt Press building in Cambridge last week. These birds represent a rare avian success story.

Sue B-H said...

Yes, it is lovely to see Peregrines using our buildings for nesting. The pair in Ely are reported to be the first ones to have bred on the Cathedral. I'd heard about the pair on the Pitt Building but haven't visited.

More images to follow - including the end of the tale!

Unknown said...

Fantastic pictures Sue
What photographic talent

Sue B-H said...

Something about being in the right place at the right time! It was a wonderful experiene on two consecutive mornings. Thanks for commenting, Lizzie.