Tuesday 13 April 2021

Hail - 12 April

 Quite a rude awakening this morning!   Hail on the garden table top, windscreen and rhubarb.


Brianhuman said...

Hi Sue,
Fascinating recent collection of birds. You were lucky with the bullfinch, I haven't seen one for years. What species are the parakeets? They can be terribly noisy - are they?
Goldfinch in my garden yesterday, the first time this year. A few weeks back I saw a red kite in the distance from my study - nice to add it to the 116 list.

Visited the Chalk Pits on Monday - peregrines appear to be nesting.

Hope all is well with you.


Sue B-H said...

I'm hearing that Parakeets are bad news as they predate on other birds, and I have to say I haven't seen any Woodpeckers in the garden recently. I hope not to see a Parakeet again. Yes, it was a joy to see a pair of Bullfinches after a very long time.