Monday 14 August 2017

Lazy Otter

There are not that many birds, butterflies or dragonflies to be seen on walks these mornings, but I think the walk alongside The Great Ouse has as much as any other destination for 'things on the wing'.

I remember when a flock of House Sparrows was seen often.   This flock was enjoying a veritable feast of wheat grain before flying off to pastures new.   I wonder if this pair of Crested Grebes is the same one as produced a brood earlier in the season and has successfully raised another three chicks.   Both 'families' have been found in the same waters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the contrasts evoked here. The sparrows in the wheat reflect the inexorable passing of summer into the time of harvests; the grebe with its late brood is a reminder of the spring that's past.