Wednesday 18 January 2017

The Great Ouse

It was lovely to see the intensity of colour reflected in The Great Ouse.


Anonymous said...

Combinations of the spectacular and subtle caught in these two blogs, Sue. The barn and the birds add add something of place and context. The ability to see such very different skies on consecutive days in one of the joys of our variable weather.

You have posted quite a lot of pictures from this one day. If you had to choose just three, which would they be?

Sue B-H said...

I'm finding it difficult to commit to just three images from four postings, so I'll declare my hand on four - although I love them all! Starting with the 'Old Barn', the first image transports me back to the atmosphere of that morning, the fourth one of 'Great Ouse' because it includes the moon and captures how cold it was, probably the second one of 'Lazy Otter - the next day' to record the intensity of colours and then the second one of 'The Great Ouse' because of it showing that bend in the river which always holds my attention.

I hope I don't get many more questions as difficult as that one!

Anonymous said...

Good choice. Would be good to see them brought together as a panel.

Sue B-H said...

I hadn't thought of that.....