Thursday 19 July 2012

Burwash Manor Ponds

It was good to revisit Burwash Manor Ponds, but sadly I didn't manage to capture that much.   I think the rapture is a Sparrowhawk without that many pixels, but nevertheless........     As for the identification of the damselflies, I'm stuck!   They look different from one another, but then I could be mistaken.   The dragonfly looks like a Black-tailed Skimmer because of the yellow spots along the abdomen and the black tip.


Ann Miles said...

Very good Sparrowhawk for ID with barred wings and yellow eye. think damsels are all Common Blues but not all have the first abdominal segment clearly enough to ID. Agree on male black-tailed skimmer

Sue B-H said...

Thanks for confirming some of the identifications. Just about to post up a caterpillar and I have no idea what it will turn into! I have enough trouble identifying butterflies with a field guide, leaving alone caterpillars!