It had been many years since I'd been carriage driving with Linda and Ray, but was invited to join them for a few days at EastWalton earlier this week. There are numerous tracks in this part of Norfolk, perfect for driving. The challenge beforehand had been to find the right boots, hard hat and gloves. Thankfully my boots held out until we were back on the farm on my last drive - image to follow! Linda had had coloured ponies previously but now has a splendid horse which was bought in the Netherlands seven years ago. She did a great job taking three of us and a couple of Patterdale dogs over many Norfolk miles of track.
Saturday, 11 September 2021
East Walton and Carriage Driving with 'Tina'
Monday, 30 August 2021
Olympus at Wicken Fen
For weeks and months I've been thinking about posting again. At last! I took my new Olympus camera and long lens to Wicken Fen only to have to protect the equipment from heavy drizzle. Additionally all the images have a watery theme; the equipment has survived. I'm getting used to a new PC too and here's the first post again!
Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Was that really a Parakeet?
I've seen some interesting birds visit the garden feeders over the years, but such a visitor had never crossed my mind before!
A10 Field
I was alerted to the possibility of seeing a Woodcock in a field alongside the A10, but not on this occasion, despite it being dusk. Perhaps another time.....
What I did see was a pair of Bullfinches which I hadn't seen for many a year, a Kestrel and the evening light was magnificent on a birch tree.
Sunday, 28 March 2021
New bird species in the garden
I was thrilled to see a Redpoll on a feeder from the kitchen window on Wednesday afternoon. I mentioned it to a knowledgeable birding friend and he immediately asked if I have any birch trees in the garden - the reason for a male Redpoll calling! This image including a Goldfinch too shows the size of the Redpoll. Now, of course, I'm looking out for both a male and a female Redpoll!
Sunday, 21 March 2021
Garden birds in the garden this morning
Was delighted to see this selection of birds this morning and more particularly the House Sparrow which I haven't seen in the garden for a very long time. I know there are two Jays regularly visiting to feed but have yet to capture them in the same image. I much prefer photographing birds in/on vegetation but sometimes they can only be captured on the bird table which is now stable again. Perhaps the images will be sharper! At least there are fewer squirrels getting food off the bird table which is pleasing.
Monday, 8 March 2021
Wicken Fen - a family enjoying different experiences of the fen
Although these relationships weren't confirmed, Granny was looking after Granddaughter and dog while parents and Grandad were paddling on their boards. Lovely to see, and all were very chatty and told me where some Starlings could be seen in trees! A Mute Swan bathed in evening light.
Sunset at Upware end of Wicken Fen
I was pleased to capture a few atmospheric sunset photographs last evening with water and reeds picking up some colour.
Wicken Fen
I knew recent weeks have been busy but hadn't realised it's almost a month since I last posted to the blog!
Went to Wicken Fen over the weekend to catch some starling murmurations and those images will follow in a later posting. The highlight was seeing a male Hen Harrier but sadly I didn't have the best shutter speed for it was the sunset had been holding my attention. It was also great to capture a few Fieldfares and Greylag Geese in the evening light.
Friday, 12 February 2021
Long Tailed Tits in the Snow
I've recently installed a new bird feeder and was very pleased to see birds starting to use it pretty quickly. I've rarely bought coconuts filled with a fat ball mix, so both these features were graced by Long Tailed Tits on 8 February, within days and in the snow. There must have been about 8 birds in the group that visited the feeder but it wasn't possible to capture them all at onece. Social distancing isn't a consideration for these birds until such time as they pair off in the summer.
Monday, 8 February 2021
Other sightings - Cottenham IV
The main focus of this visit was to photograph Whooper Swans and other animals were seen, including a lovely dog called Skye. She remained on the lead so that she didn't swim across the dyke and chase Whoopers!
The Yellow Hammer was intensively coloured and secretive. The Lapwing sparkled as the light caught them in flight and the Starlings were pretty numerous but insufficient in number for a murmuration or at the right time of day.