Sunday, 26 June 2016
Not much to photograph this morning in the drizzle alongside The Cam, but did enjoy watching this Whitethroat get into 'morning song'. When they sing so many feathers get disturbed/ruffled that they look somewhat dishevelled. Is it a preferred photograph when the bird is just sitting, or singing?

Saturday, 25 June 2016
Strong colours
Was at Bottisham Lock and just as I love trying to get a good photograph of Marguerite Daisies, I also keep trying to find an 'interesting' photograph of Poppies. This isn't a special one - I just can't come home without taking some photographs of them! There are plenty more flowers to come too.....
The male Banded Damselfly chose a nettle leaf which stood away from its background, obligingly. I imagine there was a female somewhere nearby............
The male Banded Damselfly chose a nettle leaf which stood away from its background, obligingly. I imagine there was a female somewhere nearby............
Friday, 24 June 2016
Kestrel Hovering
Although very harsh crops, the sequence of these images shows something of the balleticism involved in a Kestrel hovering. Quite beautiful really.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Milton Country Park
This morning's few photographs, but there are more to come................! There is always delight in seeing a young Great Crested Grebe watching a parent fishing and then loudly demanding for the fish to be passed on.
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Different walk around Research Park
Venturing round a different part of the Park did bring some different images this morning.
I have no idea what this water beetle might be but there were lots of them around and they were like twinkling lights on the surface of the water. Certainly the first Chalkhill Blue Butterflies I've seen this year and not near chalk! The reflections were strong and graphic - they are of new buildings which have been commissioned this year.
I have no idea what this water beetle might be but there were lots of them around and they were like twinkling lights on the surface of the water. Certainly the first Chalkhill Blue Butterflies I've seen this year and not near chalk! The reflections were strong and graphic - they are of new buildings which have been commissioned this year.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Random images from Research Park
Nothing of note to record from this morning's walk really, but don't want to get out of the habit of posting! The field where I saw a couple of hares the other day has been planted with sweetcorn I think, and these smalls plants standing in water were more graphic with reflections. Recent sightings of Kestrel have not led to a pounce on an unsuspecting rodent, just a hover. And I can't resist the Daisies.........
Monday, 13 June 2016
Grain Crop - 6 June
Used a shallow depth of focus and allowed the movement generated by the gentle breeze to have an affect on the images.
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Hare at Research Park
About four or five weeks ago I watched bewitched as three Hares raced about a grain crop. I haven't posted those photographs yet, but I shall! Yesterday on an adjacent field, without much of a crop showing yet, I saw two Hares and am left wondering what the chances are that they might be the same Hares. What a running action they have!
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Marguerite Daisies at Research Park
There is a bank of these Daisies near the hide and I just love them! Have yet to be satisfied with photographs I've taken as I find it difficult to capture the freshness and profusion of them.
Sunday, 5 June 2016
Barn Owl at Worts Meadow
This was the first Barn Owl I had seen here and the sighting has enhanced my day.
I think the orchid is an Early Purple and it is always a joy to see a Whitethroat.
I think the orchid is an Early Purple and it is always a joy to see a Whitethroat.
Saturday, 4 June 2016
Lazy Otter
This morning's walk is evidence of just how wildlife is maturing since I last posted from this place. The first image captures the watery nature of the walk and the misty weather earlier in the day. Had not expected this boat to have a light on, but perhaps its journey had started in more misty conditions. I enjoyed the light reflected in the water and was what I noticed first.
The water lilies are about to burst into full flower and the Great Crested Grebe had made a nest near by. Although this Grebe's posture fooled me into thinking a mate might be close by, a second Grebe did appear after this adult had left the 'nest' and both seemed to go off independently. I'm never sure why adult and juvenile Grebes hand a leg out the back at times.
There were plenty of Whitethroats about, sometimes calling and sometimes quiet. The lower two birds I think are Reed Warblers.
I enjoy capturing Coot and Moorhen taking off - this is a Coot.
An unusual poppy to find here, so perhaps it had been a seed from a garden poppy at some stage.
This West Highland Terrier was enjoying 'being a dog' as it bounced its way towards us.........
There were plenty of Whitethroats about, sometimes calling and sometimes quiet. The lower two birds I think are Reed Warblers.
I enjoy capturing Coot and Moorhen taking off - this is a Coot.
An unusual poppy to find here, so perhaps it had been a seed from a garden poppy at some stage.
This West Highland Terrier was enjoying 'being a dog' as it bounced its way towards us.........
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