Friday, 7 February 2014

Tree Creeper in our Garden

Not for years have I noticed a Tree Creeper in our garden, but one was climbing up the trunk of a weeping Silver Birch tree yesterday.   It was there long enough for me to get a camera and telephoto lens to take some photographs of it through the window.    I was pleasantly surprised to get a couple in focus - handheld and through glass!

I had forgotten what an extensive foot span the bird has - almost the length of its body (head not included).

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Dave and Spit in town

Dave was lost in thought when I was walking past and I was pleased he was happy to have his and his dog's photographs taken.   They were very comfortable in one another's company and I guess had had several coffees outside different cafes over time!   I'm not sure whether I prefer the colour or black and white image of Dave cuddling Spit.