Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The demands made on a parent Great Tit

Yesterday I felt very sorry for this dishevelled looking parent bird responding to the demands of a dapper looking youngster.    Exhaustion was the word which came to mind!   The parent bird continued to find morsels for the young bird without eating food itself while I was watching.  It was a relentless performance!

This morning a beautiful female Pied Flycatcher visited the garden, but by the time I'd assembled a camera, she had gone.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Banded Demoiselle at Grantchester

It was very hot and sunny at Grantchester this morning, but the weather brought out the demoiselles in plenty.    Damselflies and dragonflies are never easy to photograph, especially in flight, but it did prove easier to capture the Banded Demoiselle than the Brown Darter which eluded me!   Would a different lens from the 100-400mm have made life easier?!

Spotting the male Banded Demoiselle against the dark green water was easier than the female so it was a pleasant surprise when some of the photographs included the female too.