I have used a zoom lens to 'create' these images of graffiti on the bridge supports of the A14 over The Cam. I don't often get involved with this much colour and saturation!
Above are the remaining couple of images from the Camera Club's Points of View six tasks. The little girl represents a People Picture - and it was taken with the parent's consent. The image of Clare Bridge was a way of capturing The River. We were allowed to photograph bridges!
Although only a very small part of the image, it is possible to identify this bird as a Yellow Hammer - taken with a Canon G10. I think there is a pair of Yellow Hammers in the vicinity. When I increased the saturation of yellow - to accentuate the colour of the head of the bird - it was interesting to note how much lichen there is on the tree!
I know tomorrow will be very busy so I'm posting now images from a recent local walk. The bullrushes are in different stages of 'undress' despite being in the same locale and experiencing similar conditions.
This is outside the Porters' Lodge in Clare College and we were asked to 'make a pleasing photograph' of some architectural detail. In this six task activity we are not allowed to make any major changes to the image. It was the quality of the evening light through the glass which attracted me.
Dog and I went down by The Cam this morning and I was surprised to see three cormorants sitting in a tree appearing to be waiting for something to happen! Perhaps someone can say whether this would have been their roosting place overnight.
This was not an image for the Points of View task. The next three from that will appear in due course.
Even though the group will be meeting this evening, I shall continue to submit my six images to the blog. This task was to capture movement either in the subject or one could have the camera in motion - as I have done here. Previously I've used this technique in dark woods or alongside the Cam, but this time I've tried it with folk walking away from Kings College Chapel.
This image sets out to fulfil the task of taking a photograph from a different angle. It is a picture of the Fellows' Garden at Clare College taken through a 'lens' which is part of the gate to this garden.
I didn't find any more toads on this morning's walk, so have decided to upload singularly images I have ready for a Camera Club activity which concludes on Tuesday evening, after the taking of photographs last Sunday. This is for the task of "Image where one colour dominates".
I spotted six toads when taking the dog for a walk before breakfast this morning. I also decided, after breakfast, it might be worth visiting Quy Fen in case hundreds of toads were spawning there. Not a toad to be seen!
Last week we went to Kings Lynn to take photographs, but it was a cold day with unforgiving wind, so time was also spent inside a lovely cafe/restuarant!
I had hoped to have got this image uploaded before now as it was taken a few days ago. It is again my wish to try to get something put onto the blog most days. Time will tell!
This was taken by zooming while releasing the shutter, but it doesn't have enough space in the top left corner. More practice needed!
The fog this morning was thick and while looking around for trees in recession to photograph, something disturbed these roosting pigeons. I happened to have a fast enough setting on the camera to be able to capture 'the departure' as there wasn't time to change anything!
There were many grave stones tucked away in the a corner of St Margaret's churchyard, with winter sunlight on them. They proved difficult to photograph! However, here are a couple of images, plus one from inside the church.
This blog is to provide me with a photographic record of each year - and I now hope to keep it going after a few false starts! Most days I'm out first thing with our remaining dog, so posting something quite frequently.